If cooking a full hearty meal with your AC on blast in an 11x11 studio apartment doesn't sound appealing to you, you may want to simply not. That's how this cool salsa came about. No cooking, just chopping and mixing together some fruits and water veggies.
I've eaten this alone like fresh fruit salad, dipped crispy corn chips into it and also love to top light fleshed fish like Tilapia and Mahi with it.
Since its so versatile, I like to make a generous amount. Thanks to the citrus I don't need to eat it all at once - though stopping myself may prove to be an even bigger challenge than beating the heat!
1 chopped fresh mango
1 small can of pineapple (drained)
1 cucumber (I like to peel mine because of the wax overload on these!)
1 small red onion
1 ripe avocado
about a handful of cilantro
Salt, pepper & lime juice to taste
Chop all ingredients to 1/3 inch cubes. In a large bowl mix roughly with your hands (you want to be gentle with the avocado). Finally, add salt pepper and squeeze in the limes!
*Remember the limes help keep the avocado nice and green even days after, so its crucial!